Four Reasons Why You Should Invest In Self-Development

Four Reasons Why You Should Invest In Self-Development

I can still remember vividly the eager anticipation as I opened up Dr. David J Schwartz's The Magic of Thinking Big book. As I turned the pages -it was the first book of this type that I read- it all seemed too obvious and too simple. The author listed the steps on how to implement and change my life by setting your goals high and then exceeding them. That line was my first life game changer.

At the time, I worked as cabin crew with Emirates Airlines. It was a wet and dreary day, London Heathrow departures bound once again for Dubai. I had finished reading the book and I was wondering how I could make my job more meaningful. I decided to think and behave in line with what I had learnt from the book. With 357 passengers on board and a seven-hour flight ahead of me, I was determined to make every moment of the trip count and to make the flight time seem faster. How to achieve this? All I had to do was smile genuinely and with more enthusiasm and greater energy than ever at every passenger. It sounds pretty simple and obvious, yet why wasn't I already practicing this? 

“Sometimes the easiest things to do are also the hardest things not to do,” said Jim Rohan, an entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker.

Call it a coincidence or perhaps it was the cause and effect of the recycled air at 35,000ft, the energy on that flight was electrifying and my eyes were truly opened to everything around me. Now I was hooked, what else could I learn that would have a significant influence not only on me, but also create a ripple effect on others too? 

There are so many meaningful books that you can read, podcasts to listen to, and workshops to attend to learn from. Well-known Billionaire investor Warren Buffett says that the very best investment you can make is one that "you can't beat, can't be taxed and one that not even inflation can take away from you.” Buffett advocates that "ultimately, there's one investment that supersedes all others: Invest in yourself. Nobody can take away what you've got in yourself, and everybody has potential they haven't used yet."

You cannot put a price on your investment in self-development. In return, I have become a better person, a business owner, and now a mentor.

Here are some of my reasons why you should be investing in yourself: 

1. Invest in a coach

 On each occasion where I have invested in working with a coach, it has had a direct return on my business. A coach helps in creating and implementing your success plan, so you can become the best that you can be. I have just completed my most recent coaching experience during which we looked at my current business model and reimagined it- the result has seen me doubling my income.

2. Never stop learning

Investing in yourself is a great way to build your self-confidence and self-worth and acquire knowledge. Read, or perhaps I should rephrase, listen to a book a week- books or audio books are an infinite resource to building knowledge and expertise in any area. If I don’t manage to read or listen a book, I supplement my learning and curiosity with podcasts. Listening to a 30-minute podcast before going to bed or when driving or when working out in the gym is a great way to make effective use of time whilst still learning.

Attend seminars and workshops to expand your knowledge and skills. It also gives you the invaluable opportunity to network with those who are like-minded. Education is more than just an investment in your career- it is an investment in your growth, awareness, and identity. Constantly learning will give you that competitive edge. Every time I attend a seminar, I always get new ideas and inspiration. My “Giving Back in Style” bangle was an initiative that came to me at a Tony Robbins' four-day event where I did the infamous fire walk. It was there that I became really connected with what I saw as my values, personal and professional.

3. Invest in your health

Your health is your wealth. It is a fact that we are all more productive when we are rested, eating healthy, and working out, but how often you really take stock and notice. I recently had a wakeup call. Lethargic, unable to gain my fitness levels despite working out I discovered I am dairy intolerant. I had no idea how this had been affecting my mental and physical abilities. We are what we eat- I hired a health coach to educate me on what I should be eating and what the best foods to feed my body and brain are. The results are amazing- I have been more able to focus and follow through and I have also improved my productivity. Working out releases natural endorphins.

4. Invest in your future

Make provisions for a rainy day. Put some money into savings– your future self will thank you. 


Writer: Kelly Lundberg

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