Ways to Keep your Dream Alive

Ways to Keep your Dream Alive

Do you have a burning desire to bring forth an idea? You start and then you stop. There are various thoughts that go through your head as this dreams comes forth……….

How do I know if this dream will become a reality?

How do I know that I can ensure that this dream materialise?

The big one that causes us to pull back is that when we share this dream with others they just don’t get it. You get lurk warm responses from those that truly care about you, they will say; “Oh, this seems like a good idea”…. however, their tone of voice and body language tell you a completely different story.

Other people may blunt outright, “Yeah right, what are you thinking….Do you really think it will work?

“Are you going to put all your life saving in that? ‘Are you really sure’?”

Then fear like a Tsunami grips my heart. You feel you are having an out-of-body experience and feel really sick.

Then you say to yourself, “What was I really thinking?”. How could I have thought I could pull this off……

Well, guess what……

YOU can pull it off….

Fear will always occur, especially when we are diving into an unfamiliar territory. It is our body mechanism trying to protect us from a threat (in this case , threat from the unknown).

How do we embrace our fears and keep our dreams alive?

Here are 5 tips to help


Get super clear on your dream

I mean, get super clear on your dream. Razor sharp clarity. So when doubts creep in as they will from time to time be it in the form of self-doubt or disempowering views around you, you have something tangible to hang on to.

Write the steps and process to achieving your dream idea. Amazing things happen when you put pen to paper. You can separate facts from reality. Most times reality check kicks in, kicks in hard. Which is good. So you want to be the next Wiz kid.

What experience have you gotten in this area so far? Do I hear none…… Hmmm, you better start getting some?

Sign up for your local talent show and see what turns out.

Ask questions about what it entails to be in an industry like this. Read up about well-established artist that succeed, learn about their journey, and see what you can apply into your journey.

What skills do you require to be succeed? Do you have them? Yes, great. Then hone it even further.

No, you don’t have it yet. Don’t panic. Invest in developing that skill. Put some skin in the game.

The more you invest in your dream, the clearer it becomes. Razor sharp clarity. If you know where you are going, you’ll be able to stay focus on your path especially when life knocks you down. Guys, knocking you down isn’t always a bad thing. It’s life of asking, “how badly do you want this”? You can say, ‘real bad’ by getting yourself off the floor, dusting yourself up and having another go at it.

Dream Crushers

Be aware of Dream Crushers, oh! They exist oh! Do you remember Ghost Buster? Yep! Dream crushers are there waiting eagerly and patiently to crush your dreams. Deal! It is part of the journey. If you have super clarity on your dream, you will be fine. Will you feel the sting of Dream Crusher, yes you will? They will give you advice you haven’t solicited for. Make you question your dreams. Bad mouth you sometimes.

But when you have clarity on your dreams, you’ll take their opinions lightly. It is their opinion which they are entailed to and you don’t have to agree with them or take them on board.


Find Like-Minded People


I call these people ‘clan or tribe’. They exist. Find them! There is power in proximity and community. Imagine sharing a thought with someone that has had a similar thought as you. Being around people that get and understand the beauty and struggle of chasing your dream. Suddenly you no longer feel like an outsider. You no longer feel you are losing your mind. They support you and encourage you. You can find a mentor from this pool who can guide you as you journey to bringing your dream to reality. Also, follow people on social media that inspire, reach out to people on a similar path as you. Pleeeeeaase, don’t badge them. Do it in a tasteful and respectful way.

A small group of determined and like-minded people can change the course of history -Mahatma Gandhi

Believe in yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, how on earth are you going to get others to believe in you. It may sound like a cliché, but a lot of us don’t truly love ourselves to start off. We may believe we do, and all you have to do is just listen to our self-talk. Most times we say things to ourselves that we won’t dare say to another human being we love. We may say that ‘We are not go enough’, not ‘Smart enough’, ‘not skilled enough’, not beautify enough.

If you don’t love yourself, tell me how you can truly believe in yourself, then get others to believe in you.

Simple: know that you are enough because your creator has created you enough. He has created you from His magnificent image. Most importantly, He doesn’t create junk. Every part of this earth has being created purposeful and you are part of this creation. Part of this universal puzzle. Embrace it and believe it. Period!


Dreams are goals with deadline……

Start to actualise….

Put goals in place. I love the idea of chucking. Have large goals put into smaller attainable goals with time frames attached with them. With smaller goals, they are not as scary. As you achieve your smaller wins this bolster your confidence and this fuels you to move further.

When you set your goals have an accountability partner that will follow you up to ensure that you bring your task to fruition.

My fellow Dreamers, what are you waiting for know that our world awaits you. It relies on you to come forth. Keep your dreams alive!

Writer: Toju Cole. Founder Mindstudio



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